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There is one on the web, but it's in french. ( www.akinator.com ) It guesses characters based on questions and your answers : I have seldom managed to beat it, even when trying extreme things. AI is not as unintelligent as it seems nowadays : it still is a lot in "research mode", but there are high end, million dollar worthy systems that do amazing things. I made a pre-project for this called automod : it got good results based on "Expert Systems" (decision assistants that can diagnose a disease, predict a change in market, and on top of it all, they can LEARN). ...But such a system alone was not completely capable of doing the whole job and "getting" the subtleties of human conversations. It did fairly well, and still does, but that's it. "Akinator", the french thing, is clealry an extension of exactly the same app, BUT it mixes "expert systems" with "Fuzzy logics" to make it all very, very, VERY hard to beat. With expert systems able to learn and decide, and fuzzy logics allowing for "not so clear cut answers", you'd get such a mod bot - and it is some work yeah, quite a large one (can be six months for a man alone, a lot less for a well organized community). To me, the archives are precious (avoid redundant questions) and coupled with the Wikki, they'd make something like Wikipedia... for webdesign (and nutters worldwide)! Talk about a WOWish kind of resource. Talk about a priceless, impossible to lose resource - talk about sales possibilities for a commercial version of such an app, and extensions in the long term. Talk about a lifecycle - virtually infinite. ... I know, ambitious and all but : 1) Feasible. 2) Part of it is ready. 3) An analog system exists and is growing in popularity. 4) It can only happen here.
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