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Social engineering uses principles of psychology applied to the usage of information science - how do users perceive? How do humans perceive? Conflict stems from the differences in perception, but benefit and evolution do also. Please understand I am expressing NO judgement before reading further. NLP is a discipline aiming at clarifying how people do perceive - worthy read for technic and philo : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principles_of_NLP#Stated_purpose_of_NLP Few principles that ALL OF US should remind themselves all the time, I am *out* of the pointing fingers zone. [quote] 1) Behind every behavior is a positive intention 2) There is no failure, only feedback 3) The meaning of the communication is in the response - Meaning is in the eye of the recipient [/quote] Applied to a situation that I know : --------------------------------------- 1) My intentions here are ALL about exchanging information that I KNOW will be useful at some point (NLP will be useful if you enter management, marketing, sales, etc.). My intention is : a drive to BUILD UP and to exchange ideas (like anyone here). It is what I DO when I contribute positively, and what I fail to do when I contribute "negatively" (the intention remains positive though). 2) I often receive negative feedback. 3) The feedback I receive - thus the meaning of my communication - is often times "is he seeking for attention" or "why is he lashing out AT" accompanied by "I will lash back at you". Feedback is : you come across as agressively seeking for attention and we will pay you back with agressivity. Thank God, another principle of NLP - and fact of life : --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) People already have all the resources they need to succeed So, let's try to adress the above this way : ----------------------------------------------- 1) In reality, I hold the people here in high regard AND THE PLACE ITSELF as well. 2) I thought it was IMPLIED from the sole fact I like to interact with the crowd and push initiative - and also because of (4) - I think people HAVE ALL THE RESOURCES THEY NEED and am amazed daily at creativity of everybody "in house". 3) My bad : it's the opposite which is implied, that I am trying to take where I am trying to give. 4) I used to use slight arrogance as a means to provoke thinking and reaction - a mean to "tease for reflection". I see this approach is confused with a 1st degree, raw "I THINK I AM THE CENTER OF THE WORLD AND NEED A HUG" intent - much to my surprise. I don't need a fucking hug - period : I don't manage to empathise enough, in a forum context, with the guy in front - I assume nobody doubts themselves and nobody will feel insulted where I am trying to challenge. I assumed incorrectly. I will try another approach. And you can certainly use these NLP principles somewhere, including GUI design and webdesign - hence the sharing. Cheers,
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