Im doing this hoping such an attempt doesn't go unnoticed. So the game doesn't become one of those great games that gained cult status post mortem (Planescape Torment, anyone?).
This is Savage 2, a fresh online, one time payment, TPS-FPS-RTS-RPG-with-a-hint-of-MMORPG hybrid.
Imagine a game like Warcraft 3 or Starcraft or Age of Empires, where each unit is controlled by a different player. This should give you the right idea.
You get a 4 hour demo trial for creating an account. The learning curve is a bit steep, but try to have fun while learning.
Actually, I just read in their FAQ that they intend to have a Linux client available. I can't find it but if it's not out yet it sounds like they intent to eventually, which is good news.
i hope they are really careful when making the linux client though.
The only other game i play a bit, that has a client available for multiple OS's is tremulous ( ).
And from what i could see, it is by no mere chance that the Killer NIC PCI Lan card is only a machine running linux that makes the game bypass the windows network stack.
Wow that looks really interesting. I'll try it out tomorrow. Thanks.
At first sight looks like UT3 or ET:QW with different models and added rpg elements. Also the different rts and fps viewpoints resemble Natural Selection - an HL mod. Anyway looks like something I may buy tomorrow
Yes, I've been playing the original Savage since yesterday and it is very much like natural selection, but with a more fantasy feel, I also thing the RTS bit is a bit more polished.
My first double post of the year, yeah, yeh, I'll have to celebrate.
Party in my cell I've got enough music, booze and pills, just bring a loving attitude,
shrooms and a spell checker.
I've signed up but not paid any dosh out yet, I'm still getting used to the game play, things seem to have moved on a bit from Duke Nukem
Pity I could not use my usual gaming names Tao (of course ) and Grim or Grimm. Did I ever tell you I got banned from America's Army because they did not like my user name Grin Reefer? Oh, I told you already? Well, I've told you again
When thinking of user names I often go for something I deem heroic as well as related to the game. For Savage II I have decided on a new name, a heroic and wise leader of his people in battle and in peace Tecumseh
I haven't started my free five hours on-line yet, I want to get some practice in first. I do like the sound of the combat moves being similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors.
I discovered that on practise mode Arthemis.
Oh yes, I wanted to make my first free five (fff ooer!) hours as productive as possible. Otherwise it would just be spent getting battered by big (bbb) monsters and re-spawning all the time.
I do be a little cunning like that
I'm still getting hammered by two of the monsters regularly though, I have not memorised the various names yet, at the moment they are just Big, Bigger, and Flippin' heck!
From: Insane since: May 2001
posted 03-26-2008 19:17
I'm more of a FPS guy. These types of games suck me in and I loose days at a time
Has anyone played Alien Arena? It uses the Quake3 engine and for a free game it's pretty cool. Has a client / server option as well as the stand alone.
Linux version as well There were some sound issues that I had using it but after getting that fixed, all is good.
I tried Alien Arena, but I just couldn't get into it. It made me think of UT2003, but the weapons all seemed a bit 'samey'. It's bloody good, but I have a hard enough time choosing between BF2142 and ET:QW. Hehe.
I know it's a little old now, but also based on the Quake3 engine, and still absolutely free; Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. I would happily nominate this as the best free game ever released, but it seems a little unfair, as the initial development stages were entirely commercial. It only ended up free because the single-player development was abandoned, and the multiplayer code was handed over to Splash Damage (who, at the time, were just a handful of mod developers in a small British firm).
I've tried Alien Arena and W:ET, I couldn't get into either, I understand the limitations of open source programming, but I really don't enjoy playing such poor looking FPS's on my Linux machine which has relatively good hardware.
lol - it may have been free, but W:ET was never open source (and still isn't AFAIK). As for graphics - W:ET was very good for its time; don't forget that it was the incomplete sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which was released in 2001!
Yes, you're right, it wasn't open source, pardon me, but it was 2001 and it's 2008 now, I'd like to try and play something a bit more modern, well, except for Diablo II which is still awesome and doesn't have any contenders to its throne.
Sorry - missed the Linux question, Blaise. You'll be pleased to know that there is a Linux client for Quake Wars. There is a handy FAQ here along with download links for the retail and demo versions. I should think that so long as your machine meets the minimum spec, the Linux client should prove as good as (if not better than) the Windows client. I'd recommend trying the demo even if you're sure your machine is up to it.
I've only played QW sporadically since I bought it, myself. It feels like a faster, more arcade-like Battlefield game, but I'm already (and still) hooked on 2142.
I must admit though - Quake Wars is great for a giggle. It still makes me laugh when you fail to win a round and the Strogg announcer exclaims in a gruff voice that...
quote:...the Makron will not be pleased... as you will discover when he eats you!
EDIT: On another note - even if the standards you expect are rather high, there may well be a free FPS out there that has that graphical 'wow' factor you seek. I plan to download and try-out a few when I have the time. I'm adding F.E.A.R to my list, as well as the total W:ET conversion mod called True Combat: Elite which sports some pretty nifty graphical upgrades along with a modernised weapons load-out and all-new gameplay. I'm also interested in the BF2 contender, War Rock - but this appears to be one of those 'play for free, pay for extras' games...
EDIT (again): More on-topic, if you fancy a butchers at something completely free, with elements of Savage (FPS/RTS crossover), Gloom (the excellent Q2-based game to which I was introduced by my fellow asylumnites), and Natural Selection, Tremulous appears to have it all. It has a Linux client, a large and growing community, and apparently rather spiffy graphics for a Q3 engine based game.