Okay, I know this has already been done (sort of), and is similar to other POWs... but the title appeals to me, so that's what the topic is. You could have elements of duotone, skyscapes, architecture, etc, etc, and it'll all fit as far as the judge is concerned. In fact, as usual, I'm leaving plenty of scope.
Good subject for me too White Hawk.
Liverpool is undergoing so much structural change at the moment that you would be hard put to take a photograph out of doors without a couple of cranes and a building site getting in the shot
Sorry for the lack of thumbnailage. Silhouette
As an added bonus you have just reminded me that I have yet to finish this photo. I really don't like the (forgotten the correct term) fringe effect on the cranes with the sky in the background. I'm sure I remember finding a really great way of removing this in Photoshop but I cannot remember the correct term for the Arghh fringing.
Anyone know what I mean?
Whoa there Arthurio spot on. That was like an itch I couldn't reach, it was starting to bug me., more than it should, thanks a mill'.
I think that deserves a plate full of cookies.
Righto, I'm off to see if I can slay the chromatic aberration in that photo.
So, just for interest. I took the linked ^jpg^ and imported it into Adobe Camera Raw to work on the CA there. That did not really work as well as I wanted so I dug up the original RAW (CR2) file and worked on that in ACR and then in Photoshop. I discovered the original cause of the CA, it was largely due to the cropping algorithm I had set. Rather than use the old default method which is "Bicubic Smoother" I have set my default to "Bicubic Sharper". This sharpening on image resizing was just enough to cause the fringing.
I solved this by using "Nearest Neighbour" as my cropping method, worked a treat.
I love the way you can see the fella controlling the crane in the photo, that's him with the blueish green glass in his cabin.
This next one is stretching the brief a little I think but hey, it's a Saturday
We have two cathedral's in Liverpool, this is a photograph of the Catholic one taken from the top of the Anglican Cathedral.
We sing the song,
quote: In my Liverpool home. In my Liverpool home.
We speak with an accent exceedingly rare,
stand under a statue exceedingly bare,
and if you want a cathedral, we've got one to spare,
In my Liverpool home
[edit] In Liverpool we call this cathedral Paddy's wigwam [/url]
From: Darwin, NT, Australia Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 03-08-2008 05:15
Wow Tao... way ta go with the CA (new name for me ) the second version is vastly improved.
Paddy's wigwam.... man, that's a wild looking church!!
Good topic White Hawk... hopefully I'll be able ta get some in... I just gotta continuing hassle... new computer (which now has all photos in), lost PS disc, no space in old computer that has PS installed, hence constant juggling... grrrrrrr!!****!!
I was going to post a photo of the Anglican Cathedral here, for the sake of religious parity and cosmic balance but I've posted it in this thread Toy Town Treatment so there is no need to really is there?
Those are fantastic, Tao - perfect for the topic. It looks a bit like that (the cranes) across various parts of London; there appears to have been a substantial increase in construction activity since the 2012 bid success.
One more?
Oh OK then, here is another slice of Liverpool. I was going to say this is the tallest structure in Merseyside but I'd be blaggin' if I did. I'm sure it's one of the tallest though called St John's Beacon. It used to have a revolving restaurant inside but I rather ashamed to say I haven't a clue what it's being used for now
Thanks for the compliment Ian. It was a big decision for me to spend over £500 on a camera and lens last year. Money that I really should have used for other things, but I took the plunge on the promise to myself that I would travel around a lot more on my bike, keeping fit and treating my eyes to as many of the wonderful sights this world has to offer as I could manage.
I don't have many material possessions,comparatively but a camera was high on the list of things I think I need. Now I take it everywhere with me. I am a gardener amongst other things, and I love taking photos of the gardens I am working on, going home and looking again at the detail of some of the flowers. My eyesight has deteriorated markedly over the past ten years or so so it is a double delight seeing the tiny detail on some of the flowers and insects too! The first I saw a tiny little flower called "London's Pride" on my computer I could scarcely believe it. It is a tiny flower but.......I'll go and dig a photo out rather than gush about it
A the cream on top of the "added bonus" cake is I get to play even more in Photoshop Life is good to me.
For what it's worth, I think you spent your money well, Tao. That it makes you happy too, is a big bonus.
I've been trawling through my old photos, and I think (within the next day or so) I should have thinned the selection enough for another spate of loosely-related thumbnails. It would be nice to get some new pictures done, but with miserable weather and working hours at the moment, I'm probably going to rely on my ever-growing collection of previous snaps.
This is the little beauty I was talking about "London Pride" or Saxifraga x urbium The flower is only about 1/4 inch wide, and to my eyes looked rather insignificant until I looked at it on the computer after photographing it.
In fact as I've just spent the best part of an hour looking for this photo I think I know where I can use it again. I'm a recycling manic
My boyfriend's dad was among the people who built the Catholic cathedral
Yes one or two of my relatives did too, isn't that a coincidence.
I remember you have visited with your"fella" as well last year. Are you both going to visit during the Capital of Culture, or as we scousers like to call it the "Culture of Capital" year?
That's a lovely piccie, Kimson - possibly my favorite so far!
POW never seems to last a week - just browse the edit dates on the FAQ thread and you'll see some pretty long jumps between them. Of course, I don't wish to seem to like I'm deliberately prolonging the event, so I shall pass the baton by the weekend. You never know - the clouds might clear long enough for me to make a contribution.
I haven't really been doing a lot of clicking lately, so I found these still sitting on my camera from a trip to Norfolk. The last is of the roof of King's Cross rail station in London - they're all just about relevant to the POW:
That done, I think it's time to pass the POW topic on to Kimson.
talking about buildings, i would like to photograph the burj Al Arab, actually what fascinates me about this particular structure is that it is at the beach with sail shape, its simple beautiful to look at from a distance.