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Manipulation tactics in debate
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There are five categories of manipulation in debate. They are all interesting, but I want to emphasize on the ones used regularly by Jestah or Webshaman, to name a few, in this very forum. [b]Coercion[/b] is one. It is used extensively against Jade or me, it is "subtly trying to push a person to prove he is capable of a predicted negative action" : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coercion [b]Debasement,[/b] stems from economic terms, consists in "removing the good" from a person's actions and only stroking the bad, eg. ignoring positivity in one's person's past or expressions : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debasement There are countless examples of these around : people you will hardly find involved in those practices are DL-44 like people, for example. Very direct and strong minded. More insecure individuals, on the other hand, will resort to practices like this on a consistent basis - because they lack the knowledge to prove a point using strictly scientific facts, they will try to escape a public display of their limits by "attacking". Poi typically applies debasement to anything I do recently, in disguise behind a mask of "I want to help and I know". The disguise falls when you adress the guys and they don't manage to reply directly. I am posting this to help less experienced debaters keep in mind one thing : attacks of that kind, once known, can be identified, and they stem from personal weakness - don't fear the weak. Pitty the weak to the extent it doesn't compromise your integrity - but stick to your integrity regardless. Cheers, Argo [url=http://www.beyondwonderland.com][img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/images/logo_golden.gif[/img][/url]
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