OZONE Asylum
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Manipulation tactics in debate
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[quote] [b]argo navis said:[/b] Jestah :Because a person who is intolerant enough to pester an Apple support agent until he gets a discount,and then go brag about the mentioned discount is the root of all evil to me : it says a LOT about you. [/quote] As usual you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. As I [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/29930]posted[/url] on this forum, I brought my Powerbook in for repairs and was charged $310. The problem was not resolved and I brought it back. Both the second and third time I was called in to pick up my laptop, the Geniuses were unable to get the computer to boot up for me in the store. The fourth time I was called, the machine booted, I took it home, and returned to the store the following day with the original problem. At that point they took it in the back, I walked around the mall for about 45 minutes, and received a phone call to return to the store. It was at that time that they offered to replace my machine. [i]I[/i] pestered an agent into giving me a discount? Are you kidding me? I understand you're a world class nut job where the best part of you ran down your mothers leg but lets look at your unedited comments after my post concerning my laptop troubles: [quote](parental advisory, implicit humor) And I'd be tempted to take back some of the things I've said about you, somebody who owns a Mac can't be as bad as it seems. (although it never hurts to get the facts before forming an opinion) FWIW[/quote] Yeah, it sure sounds like at the time you viewed my intolerance as the root of all evil ... You probably hear this a lot but get help you nut job. No one is out to get you. You're just a tool. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/257]Jestah[/url] on 03-11-2008 18:52)[/small]
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