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Manipulation tactics in debate
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Argo, I think I've made my feelings plain in another thread about how I feel on the whole Heaven/Hell thing - you may well be inviting me to go to the one place I'd choose from the two if Heaven is full of you. :eek: What kind of lesson..? I doubt you'd see the intended point of any lesson, Argo. You come across as an ego-centric child; a dog who won't drop the stick. I offer you nothing but my opinion, observation, and knowledge - you beg for purpose? I cannot give you that. If you really need that from someone else, then find a girlfriend - for the love of numpty, you sure seem to need one. As for the 'ten guys vs. Jade' thing - I think you're seeing things. Are ten guys supposed to shrug and walk away from an otherwise coherent debate just to preserve the feelings of someone who posts great globs of childish nonsense in the middle of it? As there is obviously no collaboration on a personal level beyond these forums, and there is no evidence to suggest an open and purposeful tag-team effort, you can only really conclude that ten disparate individuals responded in their own manner; that they all appeared to shout "poppycock" at the same person says more for Jade than it does the rest. Some mobs are just a loose gathering of like-minded individuals, Argo. Why the hell do you keep dragging Jade into this? I'm not sure she deserves to be associated with your campaign of disruption. As for your mother; I asked only if you used 'that tone' with your mother. As you seemed incapble of reading and understanding my posts, choosing instead to insult me, I was curious as to whether the nature of your relationship with your mother was germain to your personality problems. Your response was very informative. Should I choose to insult you, Argo, you can rest assured that I am more than capable of doing so without resorting to "yo momma". As for 'documented manipulation techniques' - where do you dig this garbage up from? You've amply demonstrated each of the traits you've outlined, and I'm vaguely impressed that a twelve year-old is interested in bettering his knowledge of such matters, but I find it hard to take you seriously with your mouth full of foot. For the sake of my own personal satisfaction, I'd like to leave you with a compliment: You must be an incredible touch-typist with your head that far up your a*se! :p ;) :D Edit: pointedly addressing intended recipient... [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 03-11-2008 19:02)[/small]
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