OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Manipulation tactics in debate
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[quote] I take back everything negative that I've said about the company ... [/quote] Sorry : instead of doing it overtly, you moaned it to your friends (even with humor inside, it's above my head). To then take the opposite take. Peace out : about being a nutjob, it takes one to know one. :) What's the name of the place already? [quote] for the love of numpty, you sure seem to need one. [/quote] Who's talking about a child? I have a girlfriend. She is a graduate from Brixton. She will happilly be the 20-25th girl in my life for long term. Don't take my word, someone here can witness this since you need the tingleys showing. ....................... Short of having a purpose for yourself, as you said : a purposeless life, purposeless posts, when am I to expect you quoting Hitler? ....................... Of course, if you really crave for tingley showing, I can post a few photos. She is a gorgeous - not only intelligent, and they all were from beautiful to astounding - I am EXTREMELY succesful with girls. Bad take. And I have an girl - friend too, right here also. Bright and sweet and lovely in all regards. What was I saying about assumptions, childishness? I stopped reading there White Hawk, remembering your threats of violence (whereas I could break your neck with the tip of my finger), your question about my mother... My mother and all the girls I've had and have in my life would actually be harsher to you than I am - most of them resent wimpy shit twice more than I do, only they do not say it bluntly. For the girls in my life, they tell it in my ear after cumming between my sheets, and they call people like you "decent friends"... like their GIRL friends yeah. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-11-2008 19:15)[/small] As for your capabilities to avoid talking about my Mom's, you did. And what did you look for as an alternative? My girlfriends? You're here to talk about maturity? THAT is the lesson you want to deliver. Brilliantly demonstrated. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-11-2008 19:18)[/small]
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