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Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Manipulation tactics in debate
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Of course I will, until someone who is not Arthurio ACTS as a grown up here. [quote] So - you say that you have trouble maintaining relationships with women (hence the large number of relationships), [/quote] No. That is what you distort. I am saying I am very selective instead, and didn't hesitate to dump any of them - call it ego, I call it self esteem. [quote] that you can break a neck with a fingertip (overcompensation for low self-opinion, perhaps), [/quote] No. A sad consequence of my muscular consitution, pain tolerance, and physical strength : I am wary of avoiding physical violence altogether since, during teenage, I broke someone's hand inadvertently (open fracture with a single stupid kick). I never hit anyone again since then. Am currently learning martial arts to further enhance my control of this. That is why, as opposed to you, I never threaten anyone of physical violence - cause if I am to have to hit someone, I will, and I will do it to death quickly - sole exception to my rule of no physical harm : the cases where there is true danger. [quote] (as seems obvious from your inept attempts at threat and insult). [/quote] Says White Hawk while attempting to insult. The problem is that neither you, nor I, is being the better person : everybody is slapping the worst of themselves on the table - you're totally doing it as well. I am going through this discussion anyway, have to run too, but if there is ONE reason left for me not to drop the talk... It's because the way out, the only one left, is through. Go ahead chucklehead, make my day.
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