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Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Manipulation tactics in debate
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Regardless of wether you like my sites or not, you said I should not post my sites in the site reviews forum, pretty much. It may all be nonsensical to you for some reason - my life is full of colors, what can I do about it? Claim I am someone else? Am with my buddies for the much needed Worms World Party tournament right now - will be back on forums in a few hours. Jestah, simple proposal : out of nostalgia, I have checked some photos and documents, in the aforementioned drawer, that prove many of the facts you take for bullshit. Badges for consultants from the top level companies I worked for, etc. Anything about my current customers I can't disclose, but if I prove to you 4 random facts that I mentionned, will you cut the "you're full of shit" banter short once and for all?
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