OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Manipulation tactics in debate
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Your accusations are ridiculous, as are your attempts at intimidation. I have never threatened you - while I called you an 'offensive little sh*t', I simply stated the probable outcome of such a deliberately offensive remark (as I saw it) aimed at me 'on the street'. I never threaten physical violence, Argo, and even my choice of words was flippant and ambiguous. I was deliberately mischievous, even while I was angry. Unlike you, I do not feel the need to expound my own self-percieved virtues or strengths in a thinly-veiled attempt to intimidate. I have to cut myself short before I fall into the same bad pattern that you and I are both guilty of repeating. I would like to apologise to you, Argo Navis, for my disrespectful attitude towards you - I feel I know too little of you to make fair judgement. Sorry, Argo. I am not apologising to appease you, or because I'm trying to set an example, but because I sincerely feel that I have been wrong in my actions (words) on this forum, especially toward you. However I might disagree with your interpretation, I cannot ignore the consequences of my words. I hope you can forgive my transgression. Consider my part in your torment done. Perhaps I might have the pleasure of buying you a drink in kind one day; it's funny how things sometimes work out.
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