OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Manipulation tactics in debate
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Okay, I'll chime in relatively briefly before I get back to work: I'm all for what was said in another post: ignoring a bad thing doesn't make it go away, and it doesn't make it any less bad. However, it can make the one causing the bad thing go away, because this a classic case of an attention-seeking, paranoid narcissist. Add to that the person in question's undoubtedly massive ego, and you've got all that you need to know for the purposes of ignoring their existence. So, yes, ignoring argo's comments/rants won't necessarily make them go away, but it will make things a damn sight more peaceful when we're all happily pretending he never said anything, even if it turns out to be helpful. I, personally, wouldn't want to take advice from him no matter what, but that's just my opinion. And, finally, I'm going to be hellishly busy for quite some time, so I probably won't have time to read the rest of this thread, or probably any others. So, argo, if you feel you want to reply to this, that's your choice. If you try to get a rise out of me from that, I won't even have time -- even if I [i]did[/i] have the inclination -- to read it. So, tough. Now, please, I'm asking my fellow asylumites as your friend, don't bite argo's bait. Don't answer his comments. Don't even acknowledge him. Let's just pretend he isn't even talking, so that this place we love can return to the peace and insanity we all work so hard to maintain in it. Don't let one malignant element spoil the place, okay? Edit: Oh, and I was going to say, if you all do feel like continuing to discuss the actions of everyone's favorite disguise artist, do it off the Asylum, please. Public discussion onto provokes. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/157]Skaarjj[/url] on 03-12-2008 12:43)[/small]
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