OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Manipulation tactics in debate
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Webshaman : I haven't called anyone names right above, and the only reason you are moving this thread here is because it may be a threat to your standard debate skewing practices. I am fed up of seeing people like you bash and bully people like Jade, to name one : I am fed up of your constant, and consistent, denial. Jestah : Because a person who is intolerant enough to pester an Apple support agent until he gets a discount, and then go brag about the mentioned discount is the root of all evil to me : it says a LOT about you. Serving others actually is a sign of deep personal qualities - which should call for a respect you know nothing about, yet try to teach lessons about. ...I should ask you why you bother reading my threads, though, and casually posting the standard "how long is it gonna last?" If I didn't know the answer already. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-11-2008 13:46)[/small]
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