OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Manipulation tactics in debate
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I don't know if it's my place to say, but... sometimes, people get bashed because they have a habit of walking into things. It's a phenomenon I like to call 'auto-bashing', and requires no bullying at all as far as I can see. I can't see how anyone can accuse Webshaman of employing 'standard debate skewing' practices. IMHO, WS makes more sense in these forums than most; the fact that he has maintained his measured attitude despite some substantial provocation is not unexpected, but impressive all the same. I had to interject just to ask: why is the 'QuickChanges' list littered with pointless, self-obsessive Argo threads? Why, if you wish to be left alone, are you running naked through the asylum screaming "I just want to be loved"!? How long is it gonna' last? If you cared a little less about what others thought of you, you'd likely find them distracted by more important things and less inclined to picking on you.
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