OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Manipulation tactics in debate
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Webshaman making sense? Now that's a new one. Debate opened about future of societies : his argument, "I know because I have mileage". His attitude to two women here, Arthemis and Jade namely : "you don't know because I know". ID thread, episode 1. Like your attitude to my MOTHER - you got as low as calling her in the conversation. I can dig that filth up in two clicks. White Hawk : If I wanted your love, I'd mind telling you to go to hell. I don't. Go to hell. I am running in the Asylum saying "hey guys, it's nice and classy to bash Jade and high five each other about bashing an Apple support agent, BUT I am making a great business here and would, in general, appreciate less child games, mental masturbation, and more coherent ACTION." Which is the original purpose, btw, of ozoniclabs by the Doc : go read what his vision of that was. Go read what his business hopes for the Asylum were. And understand that if he doesn't post anymore, it's out of understanding the uselessness of feeding you the gold you never will be able to value for what it is. That's the core of my frustration - your love? You can SHOVE IT. But there is a world, a whole wide world, to see, explore, a wealth of things to do in a coherent way. Yet, for weeks now, the Philo forum is about "ten guys vs Jade". What kind of lesson do you want to preach already? What kind of purpose are you offering here, and to yourself and your life?
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