Righto Just for starters there are the general rules PSPong
This is the image I suggest we can start with.
Will it be OK for you if I RaR my files when I send them to you or do you prefer ZIP?
Ladies and gentlemen take your seats please, refreshments will be served at the end of each round.
Good piccie to start, Tao - like porn for bees! lol
RaR is fine. My mail provider filters zips (I usually set the extension to something inoccuous), but it should be fine with RaR files - I'll let you know otherwise.
My return may be a liiiiiiiiiittle slow (not to mention, childishly simple), but I shall learn a bit more about Photoshop from your serves, methinks. I'll be nowhere near my home PC till tomorrow evening at the earliest, but I'm looking forward to the game.
I must admit that I'm having trouble; nothing technical - just long hours, SAD, and a blossoming cold dulling my imagination. I spent a couple of hours on an idea last night, only to scrap it because it was, quite frankly, rubbish.
Still, I'm working on it, and can only apologise for being so slow. Once I have shaken some of the brain rust loose and gotten this serve out of the way (tonight, hopefully), I will pick up speed.
No more waiting. I ended up getting a little frustrated, but with a little creative coercion from the girlfriend, I finally boshed this one out.
Serve returned!
Crikey White Hawk, nicely "boshed out".
I did say I was going to be some time away wondering around, but I did not expect to leave my serve so late, sorry about that.
This is not really what I wanted to serve up but I am taking this opportunity of using an internet connection while I can so I can at least get something to you
I started this off using GIMP and finished it off with PS CS3 which I now officially love tremendously.
I really liked the flying creature you made I would have never thought of that, nice one.
Hopefully I'm going to be around a little more regularly for the next month or two so there wont be such a dreadful delay in my next serve.
Welcome back Tao! Now we're playing ball - hehe. Nice serve; I think I might have to run with the ray-trace element, as the last time I played with that sort of thing was back when I was running Windows 3.1 on my blazingly fast 16MHz 386!
Ray-trace element? If you mean the ball, I made that in Photoshop. Actually it was in the doing of it that that I realised that I had forgotten most of the nice little techniques for making a realistic ball or sphere.
One of the things I like about playing Pong or making sigs is the opportunity that provides for experiment and trying out new ways, different techniques.