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[quote] [b]argo navis said:[/b] The weaknesses of Jestah? They're there to see, as he is again on a "you're full of shit and I know but I never actually cared to check" kind of rampage. From the guy who said "apple is shit" to later say "hey look, they got me a new mac". The guy who criticizes pre-emptively and without a clue. Does it with apple, does it with me, does it with his dog for certain. [/quote] Most of your posts are nonsensical but I just don't understand this Apple thing. Even if I said "apple is shit", which I didn't, what does it even have to do with anything? Lets say for argument sake that I do hate Apple - never mind the multiple computers that I've purchased from them - why do you care? And more importantly, why do you keep bringing it up? This is now the third or forth thread in the past week or so that you brought me into that I wasn't a part of. How can you possibly keep crying that everyone is attacking you?
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