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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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Blaise I respect your POV but... no-one here created a beast. Ignoring bad behaviour does not make it go away and I do say that AG's behaviour is at times insulting, and he shows no sign of changing, and he has been given chanced time and time again. I know this is in the past but it should not be overlooked that this person actively threatened to take the Doc and the Asylum to court if ALL of his posts were not removed. That is not the behaviour of a reasonable person. OK that was then and this is now he came back under a great pretence and although he did publicly apologise, he apologised for hiding his true identity. NOT for all the mess he created in one of his other identities. I want to look at the most recent thing that happened today because we can go on for ages with all the arguments that have happened. AG says [quote]Watch out for being perceived as me or an attention whore (this thread may come across as that, I see a fun exercise about self image) : it's easy to trigger this feeling here because many people around have a low self esteem and are prone to perceiving agression where there is none.[/quote] My answer [quote]Totally unnecessary. How would you know "many people round have a low self esteem"?[/quote] AG's response [quote] [b]argo navis said:[/b] it's unfortunately blatant - and contagious from the consistent ways many people fail to acknowledge, or say the truth - and instead resort to denial, dellusion, and other practices for "pushing" a point of view. Which happens in all communications, only way too frequently right here. [/quote] This is ranting and wrong and does not really make sense. I have visited many many forums and been a member of quite a few of them. Without a shadow of a doubt this is the most balanced, intelligent, honest, truthful and helpful forum I have known [quote] [b]argo navis said:[/b] It's also blatant from the way people like WebShaman consider an apology as a sign of weakness, and bullying covertly as a sign of strength [/quote] This not only is completely untrue. It is a blatant attempt at baiting WS and others into an argument. It is not a piece of considered judgement. I do not know what your opinion of me is Blaise but I have no ulterior motives, I am not a bully I do not belong to a "let's all hate AG" club. The reason I stop and pick up on some of AG's behaviour is that I believe he is a self centred selfish arrogant bully at times and loves to be the centre of attention, and it seems any attention will do. It was a very cunning move getting all his previous posts removed I think because now there is no point of reference to the previous deplorable behaviour. Do you or anyone else think that I enjoy all this negativity. Is it just a coincidence that AG is at the centre of so much arguing, so much petty name calling. I think not I am sick of the whole argue navis episode. I suspect he thrives on this disruption and is enjoying every minute. Tell me someone please, as AG seems to be revelling in the thought that the Asylum is unable to do anything to stop him (or anyone else) from continually behaving badly and not getting banned as per his first post. it's like saying I can do anything I want and none of you can do anything to stop me. If this is true then I can see my time in any forum that is infected with a character who seems to revel in disruption, as very limited if not at an end. I have better things to do with my time than put up with idiots like that. [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [img]http://www.tao.serveit.org/sigs/tile.gif[/img] [/url] [i]Those who look for monsters should look to it that they do not become monsters. For when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.[/i]
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