OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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Actually, I will take Webshaman's side on this one. It's absolutely inacceptable for anyone here to get angry, anytime. Absolutely inacceptable for anyone to ask questions that are not valid by the jurisdiction of Webshaman or any other mod. And apologies where they are due [b]and only there[/b] are NO reason to genuinely calm down about the issue as a whole. Furthermore, shutting him down can only enhance the quality of the place's discussions AND this MUST happen in the name of free expression. So, how do we go about it? 1) We block his username. But he can login with another username. 2) We block his ip. But he can disguise it at will. 3) We block his original domain. But he can disguise it at will. 4) We hire someone to physically kill him. ... Option 5, though, may work : everybody takes responsibility for their faults, and as Arthurio pointed out, calms down. But that one is not appropriate : I mean, after all, the guy spoke his mind. I'd opt for 4)
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