OZONE Asylum
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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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Tao - generally, the Asylum has stood as a bastion against banning (and although not a rule set in stone, against deleting posts and threads). Even locking a thread is something normally done only after serious thought has been given to doing so. In the entire history of the Asylum, I think there has only been a handful of banning Asylum members (one of which was Ini). Of course, he came back under the avatar of Mauro_ - and now Argo Navis. For the record, I am against permanent bans. I support temporary revoking posting privileges, based on the severity of the transgression. I also think that Poi's idea is pretty interesting and certainly worth persuing further. Note that I do not decide Asylum policy, I merely am a member and attempt to do my best to carry out my Moderator duties. As for Ini/Mauro_/Argo Navis, I still hope that he will eventually realize that he is the sole cause of his adversities, anyone with even half the intelligence and self-awareness that he says he possesses would be able to discern that from the many, many examples in the threads he has been involved in. Obviously other members of the Asylum post here, and do not continually draw flames upon themselves (even Jade does not have the dispensity to draw flames upon herself as Ini/Mauro_/Argo Novis does). It is even true to say that the overwhelming majority of Asylum members can and do regularly post and communicate with one another in various threads without resorting to negative comments, personal remarks, or flaming one another, even when in disagreement. Ini/Mauro_/Argo Novis is very well aware that he has problems - it has been pointed out to him time and time again. He came back as Mauro_ and asked for forgiveness for his actions and transgressions as Ini, and admitted to being the cause of his own adversities. Of course, the change he said that he had undergone was only skin deep, as time showed. Again, Ini/Mauro_/Argo Navis returned, this time with an identity that he did not immediately associate with past ones. While it is true that some members of the Asylum knew this in advance, none of those who knew went about flaming or baiting Argo Navis in attempts to somehow "trip him up" or "hunt him down". They also did not go around revealing who Argo Navis was, either. In end effect, there was no witch hunt at all. On the contrary, there was the opposite - he was given more than a fair chance to prove that he had indeed changed and was willing to become a peaceful and productive member of the forum. Again, the change was only cosmetic, as recent events have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Thus, it is to conclude that the only change that Ini/Mauro_/Argo Navis is interested in is not self-change, but a change in how the Asylum members perceive him. Unfortunately, he still does not seem to realize, despite the many years gone by now, that the adversities that he faces are caused solely by his own actions. That the Asylum perceives him as he truly is, how he presents himself. As many other esteemed members of this forum have pointed out in the past, Ini/Mauro_/Argo navis has deep seated issues, real ones, and he really needs to seek out professional counseling. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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