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In the grand sequence of events : it is the first thing I asked - beng ignored. By poi. Specifically. I consider the solution not only fair : I consider it positive (and extending it to all users - an ignore button, makes for flame control). [quote] Ignoring bad behaviour does not make it go away [/quote] Replicating it makes for escalation, the rest of what Blaise said applies as well. I even appreciate the term "beast" used by Blaise, because it's very tongue-in-cheek : there is no fight inside of me. I have the creeps at seeing what is occuring - the creeps of a lifetime : all the facts I mentionned about my life are real, and easy to prove - a fortune is ahead of me with little effort, which would make sense to anyone with a cultural background about Switzerland : it's a country full of money, technology, and in general, extremely high quality services, including school and studies. Nestle and PM happen to have their HQ... oddly enough? In Lausanne. WORLD HQ. Yes I have the anxiety which accompanies the possibilities offered to me. I am proud of myself : completely. I still do not see the same issues you do - I have seriously plaid the devil's advocate by taking WS's take as if it was anything but absurd, and this is simple humor. While poi's boasted pride, I see only as an obstacle, for example. In my book, it gets an - incompatibility, ignore feature is [b]much welcome.[/b] Especially since - if I wanted to bypass it, I'd just have to sign under a new name. If I really INTENDED to disrupt something I do not vibe with and do not want to vibe with : something that screams "weak and flawed, with incredible possibilities" to me.
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