OZONE Asylum
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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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I guess this marks the end of a much needed reality check for all : back to talking like I didn't know I am in the Matrixx. I take the opportunity to answer Tao's question about low self esteem : it's unfortunately blatant - and contagious from the consistent ways many people fail to acknowledge, or say the truth - and instead resort to denial, dellusion, and other practices for "pushing" a point of view. Which happens in all communications, only way too frequently right here. It's also blatant from the way people like WebShaman consider an apology as a sign of weakness, and bullying covertly as a sign of strength : thank you for returning to me the energy you were stealing from me with the coercion attempt - I may have ended up thinking you had a non-personal point. I DO apologize where I find I have a true fault, all it takes is pointing the mentionned faults to me in a sensible OR honest way - ideally both. Cheers, Argo [url=http://www.beyondwonderland.com][img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/images/logo_golden.gif[/img][/url]
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