OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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@Tao, a last one : [quote] While it is true that some members of the Asylum knew this in advance, none of those who knew went about flaming or baiting Argo Navis in attempts to somehow "trip him up" or "hunt him down". They also did not go around revealing who Argo Navis was, either. [/quote] This is a lie. What happened is exactly is that on chat, I set my name to Argo Navis. As a result, Webshaman, without notifying me, informed DL-44, and some other people pre-emptively in an attempt to "fullfill his mod duties". Never was I pressed to reveal my identity : I decided to reveal it in the midst of apologies. Spontaneously. Etc, etc. WebShaman does have HIS truth. As anyone else : it's called perception, but it's vastly biased compared to the real chain of facts. Likewise, many of his statements of facts here are completely influenced, and biased, compared to that same, simple, causality chain : there is a romance/poetry factor to his tale. I do not think he believes what he says : to me, he lacks the ability to escape his default mental comfort zone and show real empathy towards me or ANYONE who digresses from his views, so he resorts to some tactic/pattern. Just like Jestah. A sort of simple default mode of thinking. A mode of thinking affected by the mileage, going down the drain, and just as useless to my interests as it gets. And as a "beast" and thus a predator : yes, I do care about my interests - so does everyone else. ... Looking forward to an ignore feature. --------------------------------- Poi : that was not a threat on my side - noticing I am happy to not interact with you MAY hint at the fact I absolutely am the most sincere person. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-12-2008 03:29)[/small] ---------------------------------- [quote] Even though I have been here for what ~runs off to check~ crikey five years! I have also spent large portions of that disconnected from the net. I missed some parts of the sad history you have outlined above. [/quote] Brilliant proof of concept. You did not see it, just as reisio, because it wasn't there to see. A fairytale. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-12-2008 03:35)[/small]
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