OZONE Asylum
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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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Jestah : you'd prefer getting the approval of your friends to validate your lack of personality and bring you back into comfort. Where I am comfortable treating you as a chump without anyone else's approval. Enjoy your new laptop btw. And the discount. I told you you can google them easilly : http://www.clientsalacon.com is a french one, brilliant. You're there, somewhere, the angry customer who comes questioning the reseller's competency about something so obviously wrong it hurts to smile to you. But the guy will smile to you and will give you your discount. Find one in english. "clients a la con" means "f* dumb customers" by the way. Poi : okay. Not much to say - how many times did you ignore my requests for me to resort to the word and how many people came into play? Still, I don't like the form I used, no, I am not proud of it. But it takes ten persons lining up provocative bullshit for days to get this result by me. Fair enough, but you won't get my apologies - why would you need it anyway with the ignore feature? See my point here? You can give lessons by examplifying, - which I should do too. But as I said the way out is through - as long as questions flow and Jestaz are dancing, I have no qualms about answering. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-12-2008 04:19)[/small]
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