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There's no site about a Mac guy - all I mentionned was humor about and the easy clues to a douche like you. They are not even able to see where they fail at acknowledging the work quality delivered by any support agent who even pay you the courtesy of SMILING - your joke about withdrawing things IMPLIES, and SAYS, from your own mouth you have been a cunt enough to be the customer who moans firsthand. Instead of the customers who understands someone is doing their best and an interface, a simple point of contact with a company. ... The "proof" sites that I mentionned are : 1) all the informations you need to acknowledge that I worked for Philip Morris, Nestel, DHL, among others. Earlier, PWC, when I was in my twenties, but it was paid nothing. www.b-i.com / or google [Philip Morris world headquarters], same for Nestle. Oddly enough, they're ten minutes from my home. 2) An it consultant in Switzerland costs 100 chf an hour MINIMUM. [tariffes consulting Suisse] 3) A freelance only pays 30% of his income, a little less, in taxes [taxes indépendants Suisse] - notice that nowadays, this is 100$ an hour with the currency and the slight advance of the Swiss economy over US economy. 4) EPFL sells and exports the highest end software in the world. www.epfl.ch or [alinghi ship construction] 5) The www (http and html)originated in Switzerland. Tim Berners Lee, rings any bell? 6) etc.. all the facts I quote about ME are easilly demonstrated. AND consistent with one another. I could post the pictures of my ex girlfriends - those I have kept. I dated a model. Two sports teacher. A commercial director while I was in Prague. AMONG... But I respect THEIR intimacy - six clear cues as to what kind of things I do and where I live should be enough to anyone INCLUDING you to understand. And I could play you around for the night - you'd answer until you're out of fingers for you're so hell bent on proving something to the world. I don't like to use my fingers with you : type the above google queries. If you want references, I have no binding agreement preventing me to give them. What do you have Jestah? The grace of a dancing monkey I can play AT WILL. What was your question already? When will you get tired of it? Me. Now.
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