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Eventhough I am still chewing on the baits and fully aware of it, I've stopped caring about the outcome a while ago, but letting the turd screw the truth, and insult women - just basically that. NO man is allowed to harm a woman in my presence - period, as much an under-douche as you are, it is no excuse. So back at the woman I almost married - the deepest love I have ever felt, yet abandonned for several reasons. Did I mention she was from Latin America? Owner of an MBA, top level executive, speaking two languages fluently? Again. Way to go Jestah : being a man is about having balls even when dealing with a women who could make or break your carreer on a whim. Being a man is about TAKING TRUE RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVERY FUCKING THING YOU DO AND FACING THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR CHOICES, as I AM doing. Pure pixels from Paris and Barcelona, our thermal spa, four stars, golf resort (Barcelo resort). My lyfestyle. My standards. EARNED IN SWEAT, THAT IS WHY FUCKERS GET NO RESPECT RAPIDLY - I have been there. I have done that, I have no time to empathize with potential turned to mediocrity. [b]Edit TP: No draging pictures of third parties into this.[/b] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1424]Tyberius Prime[/url] on 03-12-2008 10:21)[/small]
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