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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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..Says he at the end of provocation. [quote] realize that you don't have to prove or compensate for anything, [/quote] If you imply by this that I am making this up, as yet another attempt to undermine me, make it clear. Have balls about that if nothing else. Such a level of moronity is acceptable from some, on your behalf it's "once again" a provocation in lightweight disguise. Since, at the level of a Jestah, it takes a photo and TAKING HIM BY THE HAND THROUGH A GOOGLE SEARCH to leverage the discussion from the Baboon stage and transition into kindergarten, then so be it : I have NOTHING to hide, what about you? 20 years from now we'll try algebra with big J. Now, who do you think buys your coming all innocent after all the filth you have poured on me? Be real. And ponder this : if what I say about my lifestlye is as true as any document I can provide, all completely authentic and legit, then my claim at knowing exactly how to make millions and being on my way to it is? True. If I am selling high end hardware/software, as I seem to suggest, then guess what? I might have offered salaries extraordinary to people who would have proved true professional qualities to me INCLUDING a true flexibility in their visions - not an emphasis on the "LI" tags because missy boss says it's best. That's where and when you permanently tied yourself to making a regular salary, having 2.3 kids, etc.. The resume is only half of the pro : the true qualities to get to selling your stuff in your name and at the right price, you can't develop and you've proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt to me. You need a structure to surround and validate you. And most people here need exactly the same. It IS the willingness to compromise at no cost that is crucial to this initiative or any. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-12-2008 09:31)[/small]
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