OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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I'll jump in just to share the solution I've come up with. I simply avoid any thread he starts. For me, they've proved time and again to be a) highly self-indulgent panegyrics of his own brilliance in which he invites criticism only to bitch Christlike about being criticized or b) barely intelligible, hemorrhagic catharses about his personal tribulations, which he sets out like bear traps to argue in defense of his emotionally impaired actions. For my part, I didn't know who Argo Navis was until his behavior surfaced again, at which I began to suspect he was Ini. Nobody had to tell me. The delusional rants were signature. When someone finally confirmed his identity, I wasn't at all surprised. (Don't ask me who or when, it was just a reference I noticed, and again, it wasn't a watershed revelation for me.) Take this discussion, for example. I haven't the faintest clue what he's going on about, which is what always happens when he's actively involved in a thread: megalomaniac blathering. I mean, my god, that last post is the most pathetic cry for validation I've ever witnessed. Get help. Don't. I don't care. Stay in your thermal spa and steam your inadequacies there. By the way, is it just me or does he hold a frighteningly uncanny resemblance to Kids in the Hall's [url=http://members.aol.com/MrTisane/index1.html]Paul Bellini[/url]? [url=http://www.roadsideresort.com/][img]http://www.wesleytreat.com/events/asylum/sig_wtlogo_events_01.gif[/img][img]http://www.wesleytreat.com/events/asylum/sig_events_01.php[/img][/url]
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