OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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Probably, but I don't mind my appearance at all - especially in that thickening suite, which makes even a gorgeous lady as her look like Paul Bellini. You say you have no clue, as in : the guy who tries to sell shows that NEVER take off? The guy who starts projects that end up down the drain? And has done so ten times in his life? No private spa there, it's a resort - a hotel. Seeking attention as in : the guy who never will make it to public tv (yet tries hard)? Btw, it's no surprise either to see you join the usual bully swat team : in the philo forums, WS, poi, you, usually compose it. The problem is that while you keep waxing your egos mutually over your virtual identity, you lose sense of what your existences truely are. Say, Wes, I'll make a bet with you : I bet with the Asylum, and will paypal the Doc, one million dollars - us dollars, that I will make ten during the next five years. But on your end of the bet, if I WIN, you come over to Switzerland on your own, and you suck my cock dry. Deal?
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