OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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Absolutely : I am compensating for the pain of too much money and coding fun 3d stuff by sharing intimacy whenever I want with girls of that caliber. Or is it the burden or having no boss other than myself, and owing only to customers? It may be the difficulties with having a beautiful flat right in the center of the town? Or is it my recent promotion to a restricted area of a 15000 members forum which pertains to subtle commercial techniques I won't expose - but that Blaise, for one, knows? Remember the "cube" routine?-) That last admittance, sadly, is a proof of concept : the proof that emotionally retarded people like you are unable to draw a line regarding the past - same argo. Other forum. Praises. Same argo. www.epfl.ch . Praises. Same argo. DHL, PM, Nestlé... praises. Asylum : bullying. And you think I could doubt I am right for a single second? Ah yeah... I could, as I am jealous of the tremendous successes of We... no. Of Web... neither. Of Jes... nope. Hmmmm. Tough call. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-12-2008 10:15)[/small]
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