OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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Ok, I've just come back from a week's worth of vacation, and need to work, not read up on the latest 'trouble with InI' right now. But here are some points I want to make. [ulist] *No posting of pictures of unconsenting parties. Pretty girls, Argo, but they've not agreeded to be your status symbols (or have removed that agreement when you seperated ways) - so stop infringing their confidentiallity. *I consider the killfilles proposed by poi, while technically ingenious, to be [url=http://www.everythinginmoderation.org/2003/10/on_building_killfiles_into_your_communities.shtml]harmful[/url] to the community in general. *We can easily ban a username. If somebody comes back and we can't identify him again (because he behaves), we have no need to ban him again. Otherwise, banning someone is exactly five mouse clicks for *any* Mad Scientist (and visible from the ->adminlog). *Keep it calm - don't test my temper. That means all of you ;) [/ulist] so long, ->Tyberius Prime
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