OZONE Asylum
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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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Tyberius : okay, in respect for you - much earned respect, even from an assumed asshole like me. I kindly ask you to kick the photos. I am shivering from exhaustion, have worked the night through plus all this on my nerves, but what happened this morning was beyond my wildest dreams - all my tariffs, everything, has been accepted with a resounding yes for the months to come - this stuff works exponentially. Sell to one who likes the idea who sells to another... It's a chain : ignite, it starts, and when it catches, it doesn't seem to want to stop. I've gone as low as everyone here : I personally am sorry to you - decide whatever you want, it doesn't matter at all anymore. But please remove the girls pictures and links, names - you are right. And thank you : they are truely wonderful persons in many regards as well. [FINAL EDIT - on the advocate thing] TP, I do not want an advocate. I do not want to drag anyone who I like into my difficulties with the bunch : it is not fair. If you want to hear my take in total politeness - because you are handling things with a distinctive wisdom, I'd like it to be a private exchange, icq in my profile - which you can report back and treat as you please. There will ALWAYS be someone to push my button, or try with all their might - with or without an intent, I am starting to understand that I cannot make myself heard HERE as a consequence of events that sit in the past. I cannot, with or without a smile, drop things like "I am going to make a fortune" - and have it make sense to anyone but me - although it is happenning. I wish I could phrase that for informational purposes - and help others follow a similar road minus the temper factor. But here, something has been broken wayback and I cannot fix it. There will never be good vibing with apprehensions that thick, and I can't sue the crowd for apprehensions they feel that deep. [/EDIT] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 03-12-2008 15:06)[/small]
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