OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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[quote] [b]Tyberius Prime said:[/b] I consider the killfilles proposed by poi, while technically ingenious, to be harmful to the community in general. [/quote] I agree. And I firmly believe that ignoring someone should be a conscious act based on the circumstances, not a button that is pressed that stops you from having to mentally filter the circumstances. FWIW [quote] [b]Wes said:[/b] a) highly self-indulgent panegyrics [/quote] And Wes gets a cookies for using such a lovely word :) [quote] [b]argo navis said:[/b] I've gone as low as everyone here [/quote] Let's be honest here: you'ev gone much lower than most, and the only one to come close to going as low as you did so after being attacked by you when he wasn't even involved in the situation. You've gone far lower than needed, and waaay beyond what is reasonable. Again - do with that what you will, but it's the simple truth.
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