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Webshaman : you're making me the sole agressor of 6000 persons. I don't know, sounds logical? Likewise, you're making adults calling my mother, my girlfried, my past girlfriends, my job, bullshit - reasonable beings and the cream of human behavior. And DL is slapping the word honesty on top of that. I can't believe that fairytale : I am glad you enjoy it as your reality. I REALLY am. I just cannot wrap my head around this. I am not making myself a victim, I am not making you anything else - what's said about you has been said wholeheartedly. If I should speak such a sincere view anytime again, I would. TP, I have no choice but the comp, no walk possible, I am sorry, but I can't watch this go on : for trackback, what started this very specific situation is THIS quote. [quote] I also would like to point out that some advice can be negative even - like poi's desire to stroke a *right way* to do things as IF THERE WAS SUCH AN ABSOLUTE IDEAL. The only "right" way, imho, is one that works as expected. Comments of that kind are both a helper, and a pain in the ass depending on how it is balanced : I've been in IT for 10 years, poi is VERY FREQUENTLY recommending his way as the best. [/quote] In that thread : http://www.ozoneasylum.com/30033 And that is supposed to be about being arrogant. So no, I am not a victim : as I said, I totally am on your side. Option 4. I live in Lausanne. I think you are absolutely right - I don't see non punitive ways to handle a request like the one above. Looking back at the "All Mad Scis demoted" episode and the "I slap a picture of my gun in one forum" rampage in another episode, I take all the blame - I AM responsible. For daring to try to draw a limit between what I needed, and what I was receiving. ... Being honest? This is about vengeance for many - not me. To me it is about urgency and a couple of words professed without empathy. It will ALWAYS be about vengeance for people trained to expect the negative so much they look for it. Instinctively, simply. So I simply see something that does not work because it's broken.
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