OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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i think i'm on Webshamans side here... [quote] [b]Arthurio said:[/b] People need to calm down and chill out. [/quote] i my point of view, everyone is down and chilled until Argo Navis joins the discussion. Nearly all threads seem to get off the track when he starts talking. this can easily be observed and is not an exaggeration. So, how do we go about it? 1) We block his username. But he can login with another username. 2) We block his ip. But he can disguise it at will. 3) We block his original domain. But he can disguise it at will. 4) We hire someone to physically kill him. 5) everybody takes responsibility for their faults, and as Arthurio pointed out, calms down. i would like to add another option: 6) just ignore Argo Navis. if you dont want to ignore ALL of his posts (which would probably the best idea, but is only useful if everyone does so), then just start ignoring his offences and replies that cause all these fights. just as [quote] [b]Blaise said:[/b] You don't need to sink to anyone else's level. [/quote] that says it all. stop sinking to his level, dont feed the flame. my 2 cents
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