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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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[quote]Webshaman : you're making me the sole agressor of 6000 persons. I don't know, sounds logical?[/quote] :confused: Ermmm...no. Where you came up with that idea, is beyond me. Where do you come up with this stuff? And for the record, this is what you posted in that thread that set things off [quote]Are just as useful to me as how many noodles you've had for supper yesterday. Screencaps, for example, make such feedback MUCH more useful. bottom line - giving feedback should be about "how the other guy can USE it" to be constructive. How can I use your feeling, if I don't understand it? It's sad because with some proper phrasing, it would help a lot. (for example, since I have updated the page about 5 times and republished before you posted, I am NOT even sure which version your are talking about - let alone understanding how you FEEL about it from this distance). Understand also that Doc's approach is completely different (he uses px positioned layers and absolute positionning afaik, as opposed to % in my case, and relative positionning) also. The trade is clear and simple : easier to maintain in my case, but I get to have to deal with liquid design challenges. The similarity stops in that they both are brown elastic menus. [b]I also would like to point out that some advice can be negative even - like poi's desire to stroke a *right way* to do things as IF THERE WAS SUCH AN ABSOLUTE IDEAL. The only "right" way, imho, is one that works as expected. Comments of that kind are both a helper, and a pain in the ass depending on how it is balanced : I've been in IT for 10 years, poi is VERY FREQUENTLY recommending his way as the best. Not only he makes me feel like he looks down on me - thank God I do not take it personal, but the above "quick sample" he whacked together is not exactly impressive, nor is it getting the job done. It's clearly 5 miles away of a usable widget in the context where I need it. That's why I always seem to be rejecting poi's feedback firsthand : all respect where it is due, but.. ALL I GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HERE ARE DESKTOP/LAPTOP BROWSERS, THE MAIN AND MOST RECENT ONES, AND HAVING THINGS WORK RAPIDLY SO I CAN BUILD UP THE REST.[/b] LI has turned out to be the most obsolete thing in this case - 0 benefit for some wasted time. And the single timer approach, while correct if I wanted to spare resources for display on a C64, is adding more constraints than it is helping SO FAR. These are among the reasons why I didn't ask for poi's example when he offered it. Now please, all of you who genuinely want to help me, concentrate your efforts on the site reviews where another important website for my business is getting a lifting. And since I am done with updating the elastic part of my menu, feedback is relevant from now on - but make it clear, I don't have the time so sort between "feelings", "impressions", "emotions", a thing for web standards, and all other things that I can't derive facts from.[/quote] Normally, typing in bold represents shouting. Not only that, but you take it to personal levels here [quote]Not only he makes me feel like he looks down on me - thank God I do not take it personal, but the above "quick sample" he whacked together is not exactly impressive, nor is it getting the job done. It's clearly 5 miles away of a usable widget in the context where I need it. That's why I always seem to be rejecting poi's feedback firsthand[/quote] You see, it was not necessary to supply this information. At all. If the information that Poi was supplying to you was not helpful, you of course do not have to take his advice or accept his help. In fact, you do not have to react to it at all - but YOU SAY (note that I am using the blocks here to raise it out of the block of text, not to shout) [quote]Not only he makes me feel like he looks down on me - thank God I do not take it personal[/quote] This was totally unnecessary to post. If it is true that you do not take it personally (you change this later, where you then say it is indeed personal), then why bother posting it? It is at this point that the thread began to canter. Poi went on to explain himself [quote]As for looking down on you. I'm not. However, I'm certainly more direct with you : because I know you can take it, and more importantly because I know you can do better.[/quote] Then Tao responded to your post - if you note the posting times, I do not think that Tao saw Poi's response to you (from above). Seeing the time that the posts were posted, I find it unlikely that Tao saw it before he posted. Thus, Tao's post was directly to your post, Ini, and did not take Poi's post into consideration as it was posted. Then you really go off. [quote]A simple question, no judgement : are you on alcohol? Just to know if it's worth an extended discussion about THIS right now - I don't remember you around at the time of my very first post. I remember I was a Mad Sci working my ass off to answer hundreds of questions on the other hand. So how exactly have I "deceived" or "tried to deceive" you? I suggest you do two things about that : wait until the vapors go, and open another thread where the flames you want to bring won't mix with tech talk.[/quote] I think you misunderstood Tao here - I don't think he meant you as in Ini, but as Argo Navis. Otherwise, it would not make any sense. Obviously, as Argo Navis, [quote]You have deceived or tried to deceive all of us from your very first post at the Asylum[/quote] Tao says this later in that thread, as well [quote]It is you argo navis/InI who came back here after causing problems DEMANDING that all your threads be deleted or else you were going to sue. Came back here with another name pretending not to know InI, in a decietful and manipulative way, If you think everone here can just forget that, you are wrong. It would have been better to be open and truthful in the first instance.[/quote] It is clear that you still consider yourself to be Ini, not Mauro_, not Argo Navis. It is crystal clear in your remark above. Strange is, you recommend exactly that which you should have done as well as Tao. It was the ideal thing to do at that point - to stop posting, sit back, and give it a rest. I am not clearing Tao of his side of the flames, btw. He is just as guilty in the involvement. Tao later apologized, if you remember, for his negative participation in things. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/925]WebShaman[/url] on 03-12-2008 17:50)[/small]
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