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WS : so why didn't Tao tell me "turn the caps off, you sound like an angry chump" or something COOL, simply? That's all I care to read coming from you - enough of that. Sorry TP, I am on "machine mode". You can see why exactly in the elastic menus thread - I am routinely reading/typing/responding to many things all the time. Going to bed for a couple of hours though. Poi : of the four projects I started today, ALL customers have complained about the fact that their previous webdesign teams would emphasize compatibility for one browser over another by design choices. As long as I have known you, you've always had difficulties making all browsers happy for a given page - in spite of your talent. Or because of the way you approach things : academic. Let me explain. Lists for menus do not matter to them. Some even called explicitely for FRAMES. I don't care, they pay my price, and they have opennings for other systems, more complex and pricey, to be integrated. Eventhough I'll give it a clean whirl as much as possible - and while I have been humble when acknowledging several times I needed to get back to js and html/css. For these alimentary projects, understand I am wearing all the caps or almost. Project leader, developer, salesman, I wish I could have a normal night of sleep. Stakes are incredible - I mean, the budget that landed on the table today. Gosh. That? For frames? Well, guess what? The business owners are aging persons... with bags of money, but they are accustomed to weird concepts. And it is being accustomed to that that makes them happy. In the end, questionning the desires of the customers is not my problem. I can entice, satisfy, and that's it. And in real software design : the web is known to evolve in a darwinian way - ponder that 1000 times. http and html were originaly "flawed designs", but their inherent problems were their very strength. Robust designs were not flexible enough to adapt to a monstruous technology like the internet. So the "flawed" survived. It still holds true today with XHTML for one, and with anything web - if developped in a massive CHUNK, it is likely to clutter evolution. So looking ten years ahead for what will be and what may be, while academic webdesign, is BAD software design. When faced with THIS reality and sweating my ass off on it : [quote] would seek advice from people who practice it day and night. [/quote] Academic advice? Won't work here and now and for that. Btw, you have someone here who practices uml, c, cpp, java, all web technologies, sales, touches the branding and graphics, translations, and defines support processes and services according to ITIL in addition. Day and night. In that very thread, few posts before the "criminal posting", there is something strongly and politely enticing you to stop your posts - I say EXPLICITELY I am on a deadline and incapable of catching up as you deliver. You know I am capable of better? Once again, I know now you're not capable of getting OUT of an "I webdesign for Opera, focus on the technologies we want to see flourish" state of mind these days. FINE by me, but no, thanks, just not yet. So yes, I sincerely feel it is about pride or ego for you, and yes, you totally "omitted" to read that very warning or take into any consideration - ok, you were busy answering what you assumed I would want before acknowledging for real. Which is not a crime but was useless and uncalled for in many ways. "off to bed"
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