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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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@tp [quote] So cool, keep at it, and don't over-use the ban stick. [/quote] Words of wisdom, not from me - what mage recommends is not lining up with the "punishment" you want to condemn, simply. I recommend his way to handle it, but again, you are welcome to discussing this on ICQ and venting if you feel my mere presence is too much for your to bear. I said it : the way out is through, when all will be said and done, everything will lay flat on the ground instead of lurking in the closet where it builds up towards explosion - caused by both parties involved. I am not willing to run away from this : I am no coward, never have been. @everyone [quote] Don't worry about the small stuff unless that is what makes you happy. [/quote] Words of wisdom. But there is THIS. And then there are the outer factors when THAT, to you, means switching from employee to employer and involves huge efforts for some time. @Arthurio [quote] hmm Argo ... get someone to help you ... seriously ... with all the work I mean ... if you go on like this you'll burn out ... [/quote] Thanks. It was the point of tonight's meeting. Time management and balance are key, I lack the former skill - all this was never expected, but the credibility of www.epfl.ch set things on fire. We're about ten persons involved now - but I am the only one who chose professional freedom, and one of the two heads. The "insider". Just wallowing all this in at once... weee. But I am feeling good right now. @poi [quote] Well, guess what? The business owners are aging persons... with bags of money, but they are accustomed to weird concepts. And it is being accustomed to that that makes them happy. [/quote] To me, my approach is about the customer being happy. To you, the approach is about their users being ready for a "possible future" (maybe?). I don't see either as something that can be condemned, I see validity in both approaches - I said it also, what I know from your work is what I know from your work.
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