OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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poi, no offense meant : I mean what I say, and nothing else this time around. As I said, if the whole world thinks something is good and I don't see why or don't want to abide completely, something nobody ever managed to do is to force their views on me by any means. However, you have convinced me that LI is fit for the purpose of a navigation. I am yet to be convinced about some css things - I would much favor seeing them in real world to seeing their potential benefits in a book. The best of intention prevents nobody from being wrong. For the rest, read TP's link on the previous page, please do - banning, insulting, (including mine, first and foremost), racism against chocolate makers, etc... is no way to adress an issue of this kind in real world, and even more on the web, it IS avoidance. Working it through reasonably is the solution I have called for from the start of this thread/drift. At some point I'll answer Webshaman's last post about this all, but not right now. I have - in full awareness - received everybody's qualms in the face, gone through the humiliations, taken the baits that were obvious, dreaming it would help you/me get it off our chests systems. This has worked for me. What about you? What can I do to make you smile rather than grin or giggle?
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