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Some other people have made similar suggestions on a very serious note - Nemesis I think, and a couple of others, this is a very real question in the minds of some inmates, don't take my word - ask them. I know kimson was hurt by some things she heard for one, it sadens me a lot. I hate to speak on her behalf, I HATE that - she admires the crowd and has always been a great asset, all a more reason for her not to have to suffer. Please, she's close to my heart for the great personality you can't deny she has. Those few times were not on a humorous note. I've struggled, and really struggled, to divert negativity from the Elastic Menu thread - some may think I cared to "whine" about Tao's intervention there for the sake of being cuddled. Do I look like someone who, specifically in this very thread, minds not being cuddled that much? Do I really sound, to you Arthurio, like someone who's full of shit about his whereabouts? Answer freely, I told you, I am out of anger supplies. I cast a separate "Witch Hunt" thread back then in the dhtml forum because it was getting out of control for almost nothing - yes, the original friction with poi was small, and he was right in his intent (not his words, he admitted to being a bit blunt - as this is a tone quite common to demo sceners who cultivate elitism - as shitty as elitism is). Tao's reaction was, wether you care to admit it or not, threatening the integrity of that very thread - he truely is the person who, as unusual as it seems from him, said the first explicitely offensive words there. And bare with me as this is NOT about putting more blame on anyone. These are not the only problems of this kind - Webshaman, for one, has been difficult to some people lately, hell bent on "sticking to moral standards" that are his. Specifically his, and taking deep at heart duties beyond his duties - namely, an apparent duty of "purifying the holy grail". ..................................... The problem is not the words, the exact times, the size of threads, the problem is not post count, size doesn't matter and none of that crap is relevant to anything : the problem is a lot deeper than that and doesn't affect only me - unfortunately. Part of it, a huge chunk of it, stems from the deep resentment some feel towards me - legit or not, those very people are not forced to read, judge, threaten, me at the very first sign of anything. Not only they DO, they carry it outside of their relationship to me. No I am no angel and have not been these past days - but it's better to have it OUT IN THE OPEN rather than lurking in the closet - hell it's a 1000 times healthier EVEN AT THE COST OF DANCING A MONKEY DANCE and coming back as toast.
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