OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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What does it change and what is it relevant to? I mean, yes, certainly there is an effort to be made on both sides - certainly. But the "root cause" still lies underneath this simple observation. Regarding yourself, I was happilly in the midst of standing the 24th post about the girlfriend I don't have and those I never had, the job I lied about, the money I don't earn, threats of physical violence, and God knows which other things I have hardly seen anyone resort to - I may have misread and I don't care to re-read, but still, it shows the spirit of the moment and you're no angel, but you're not the person who has performed the most spectacular outrages. And this is not a fucking contest, pardon my french, but it sure seemed to be - can't we all do better than this? I've not put those words in those people's mouth : they are assumedly responsible of their acts as you and me. So maybe - just maybe, we'd be better off using those brains together to adress the underlying issues : I have resorted to some of the necessary means to dispel those accusations out of having no alternative to stop the show, although, once again, I do not want to look back on what's been said and done. I want to look at the CAUSE and fix it, and it still takes "two" to make a thing go right or wrong. Maybe, maybe, pointing fingers time should come next to : SOLVING the problem for you and me. I have things to propose to that effect - other then murdering me or rolling me in tar and feathers.
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