OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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I want to apologise for the length of this post. I would not normally write one like this but I feel I must use all these quotes in order to get to the truth of the matter. I know it is tempting to just skip through this but I implore you to be patient and try to wade through. It means a lot to me to try to clarify what has become a tangled mess. [b]I'm completely sick of all this.[/b] I see WebShaman has already tried to clarify what seems to have started all this. I now want to add to that but I'm going to start at the beginning again. In reply to this post by argo navis: [quote]Arthurio : don't take it bad, but comments like this.. quote: Right now your menu just feels wrong Are just as useful to me as how many noodles you've had for supper yesterday. Screencaps, for example, make such feedback MUCH more useful. bottom line - giving feedback should be about "how the other guy can USE it" to be constructive. How can I use your feeling, if I don't understand it? It's sad because with some proper phrasing, it would help a lot. (for example, since I have updated the page about 5 times and republished before you posted, I am NOT even sure which version your are talking about - let alone understanding how you FEEL about it from this distance). Understand also that Doc's approach is completely different (he uses px positioned layers and absolute positionning afaik, as opposed to % in my case, and relative positionning) also. The trade is clear and simple : easier to maintain in my case, but I get to have to deal with liquid design challenges. The similarity stops in that they both are brown elastic menus. I also would like to point out that some advice can be negative even - like poi's desire to stroke a *right way* to do things as IF THERE WAS SUCH AN ABSOLUTE IDEAL. The only "right" way, imho, is one that works as expected. Comments of that kind are both a helper, and a pain in the ass depending on how it is balanced : I've been in IT for 10 years, poi is VERY FREQUENTLY recommending his way as the best. Not only he makes me feel like he looks down on me - thank God I do not take it personal, but the above "quick sample" he whacked together is not exactly impressive, nor is it getting the job done. It's clearly 5 miles away of a usable widget in the context where I need it. That's why I always seem to be rejecting poi's feedback firsthand : all respect where it is due, but.. ALL I GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HERE ARE DESKTOP/LAPTOP BROWSERS, THE MAIN AND MOST RECENT ONES, AND HAVING THINGS WORK RAPIDLY SO I CAN BUILD UP THE REST. LI has turned out to be the most obsolete thing in this case - 0 benefit for some wasted time. And the single timer approach, while correct if I wanted to spare resources for display on a C64, is adding more constraints than it is helping SO FAR. These are among the reasons why I didn't ask for poi's example when he offered it. Now please, all of you who genuinely want to help me, concentrate your efforts on the site reviews where another important website for my business is getting a lifting. And since I am done with updating the elastic part of my menu, feedback is relevant from now on - but make it clear, I don't have the time so sort between "feelings", "impressions", "emotions", a thing for web standards, and all other things that I can't derive facts from.[/quote] I replied : [quote]Great way to alienate people who have been trying to help you argo navis. You come across as an arrogant self absorbed person. You have deceived or tried to deceive all of us from your very first post at the Asylum so I think you should be the LAST person to preach about the right and wrong way to post here. I think you should tread very carefully, remember what problems you caused here in the past? They are not forgotten.[/quote] [b] [i]WebShamen is correct in saying that I did not see poi's answer because poi posted just one minute before my response to you. [/i] [/b] argo navis then responded with [quote] [i]""They are not forgotten.""[/i] I don't see how this is supposed to be MY problem, for starters : it is YOUR memory that you want to hold on to.[/quote] It [b]is[/b] your problem argo navis because you should be aware that just because you use a different name does not mean that all your previous history is magically forgotten. How can it be? I read into that post I responded to that you were being an arrogant bully. Don't forget that that was before poi's reply. You (argo navis) continue in the same post: [quote]I remember reporting clumsilly that an extra slash would open up doors to the back side of the Asylum - yes the way to report it was clumsy, but I don't remember having done any actual harm in that regard. I remember other negative things, coming from me, and ABSOLUTELY not relevant to anything you've just said. I remember hundreds of people moronically picking up on the extra slash thing - without understanding any of the technical implications. Wether you want to resurrect that trend or not is entirely NOT under my control, and the above four lines are as much as you'll get from me here regarding the topic : like it? Don't like it? Don't threaten me[/quote] I have no idea what you are talking about here, none whatsoever. Then in answer to this sentence of mine [i]"You have deceived or tried to deceive all of us from your very first post at the Asylum"[/i] You continue: [quote]A simple question, no judgement : are you on alcohol? Just to know if it's worth an extended discussion about THIS right now - I don't remember you around at the time of my very first post. I remember I was a Mad Sci working my ass off to answer hundreds of questions on the other hand. So how exactly have I "deceived" or "tried to deceive" you? I suggest you do two things about that : wait until the vapors go, and open another thread where the flames you want to bring won't mix with tech talk. Then, if the tone of my post sounds slightly agressive, it's because I know poi can take criticism as well - just as he took mine, without offenses[/quote] First of all starting off a sentence with things like "don't take it bad, but " does [b]not[/b] mean that whatever you say will not actually be taken as offensive. That is the ploy of a manipulative bully. So you say to me "A simple question, no judgement : are you on alcohol?" Who do you think you are? you and I and probably everyone else knows that [i]""A simple question, no judgement : are you on alcohol?""[/i] is a very thinly veiled insult designed to goad the recipient, in this case me. Then there is this from that same quote^^ "So how exactly have I "deceived" or "tried to deceive" you? I suggest you do two things about that :wait until the vapors go, and open another thread where the flames you want to bring won't mix with tech talk." I think you know I was talking about you as "argo navis", not as "InI". Why? because I was answering argo navis's post. Because in the very first line I addressed you "argo navis" [quote]Great way to alienate people who have been trying to help you argo navis.[/quote] Then in the last bit of that^^quote you say [i]"wait until the vapors go, and open another thread where the flames you want to bring won't mix with tech talk. Then, if the tone of my post sounds slightly agressive, it's because I know poi can take criticism as well - just as he took mine, without offenses[/i] Hah, "vapors" (another dig) You saying I am bringing flames? Total nonsense! Read my post again, and it is painfully obvious from the posts that followed in the thread I started about "Things that define us" that you and poi [b] were[/b] at odds with each other. It was at this time that I went away from the discussion and off-line but I managed to get to a library to post this to further clarify the situation. [quote]I'm in a library far from home so I have to make this brief, but be assured I'll get back to this when I get back home. It is you argo navis/InI who came back here after causing problems DEMANDING that all your threads be deleted or else you were going to sue. Came back here with another name pretending not to know InI, in a decietful and manipulative way, If you think everone here can just forget that, you are wrong. It would have been better to be open and truthful in the first instance.[/quote] By the time I returned home and so to an internet connection the thread you started called [30039] had more or less ended with DL-44's post and it had dropped a fair way down and completely out of the recent threads feed. I decided to do what was suggested and leave it buried. In an attempt to clarify to everyone who wanted to know, I started the thread [30063] In that first post I said [quote]In our on-line lives, like here at the Asylum, the main thing that defines us to others are our words and how we use them, at least that is how it seems to me. It did not take long for me to realise that it is so very easy to write a post to a forum, in anger, without much thought, only to regret it later. I now take great care in my posts to try not to offend or insult. I also realise that there are people who post here who are not native English speakers so some latitude is needed when reading their posts, although I have to say the standard of English here is very high, from both native and non-native speakers. This is why, you may see me from time to time take a person to task who I believe is being a bully in some form or other, whether they realise it or not. I understand that I run the risk of misinterpreting the situation but it's a risk I'm willing to take. This world can be a cruel nasty place, I have no time for people who want to add to that misery.[/quote] "honesty and communication are key factors." In that thread when I asked you about your honesty you agreed with the above statement. You also supplied links to where you say you apologised for lying to the inmates in general when you came here as argo navis. This is the quote you supplied: [quote] Okay. It certainly is time to give it away. <drum roll> Firstly, I am sincerely sorry for the way I sneaked in : I wanted to spread a new, and natural image of myself before revealing the truth. I *do* feel bad about the comedy bit of it, and ask for apologies. If I had landed back *under the sunlight*, it would have been *creepy vibes* allover the place, and I did not want that either.[/quote] Now understand this. That apology was for this current deceit, pretending not to be the [b]person[/b] who [b]demanded[/b] all his previous posts were deleted completely. Pretended not to be the person who threatened Doc Ozone as well as anyone connected with the running of the Asylum with court action if his [b]demands[/b] were not met. It was that pretence, that deceit, in coming here as "argo navis" that you apologised for. You have not apologised for all the threats you made. You have not apologised for [b]demanding[/b] that Doc Ozone remove all traces of InI's post. You have not apologised for putting the Doc and anyone connected with running the Asylum through all the stress of contemplating immediate court action if your demands were not met ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have more or less finished now I just want to address a couple of things in your recent post, this last one I read before starting to write this nearly two hours ago. Arthurio wrote about my comment (" You're not argo navis are you") on what kind of person we think he/she is. [b] Arthurio said [/b] [quote]The suggestions that I may have been you were rather humorous as I perceived them [/quote] Completely correct, that is exactly how I intended it to be received. [b]argo navis said[/b] [quote]Tao's reaction was, wether you care to admit it or not, threatening the integrity of that very thread he truely is the person who, as unusual as it seems from him, said the first explicitely offensive words there. And bare with me as this is NOT about putting more blame on anyone.[/quote] So just what [i]is[/i] it about then? Let's look at my reaction then shall we? My initial post: [quote]Great way to alienate people who have been trying to help you argo navis. You come across as an arrogant self absorbed person. You have deceived or tried to deceive all of us from your very first post at the Asylum so I think you should be the LAST person to preach about the right and wrong way to post here. I think you should tread very carefully, remember what problems you caused here in the past? They are not forgotten.[/quote] I do not think I was threatening the integrity of your thread with that and I also do not think that they were [i]"explicitely offensive words"[/i]
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