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Tao : that is NOT the problem at hands, at all. None of this, I haven't read a single line. This is not about rethoric, this is not about reprimand, this is not about finding faults, you're late, and you've apologized way too much. When it was easy not to take a threatening tone firsthand : you'd be the bigger person not by cluttering this thread with more debating, but with solutions. Do you have such a solution? I do. Can you apply your own advice and take it with a grain of salt for a change? And in addition, propose concrete enhancements to the situation. THAT is what it's all about here and now. [quote] You have deceived or tried to deceive all of us from your very first post at the Asylum [/quote] How relevant is this to anything but your feelings? In an otherwise worthy thread about some nice menu techniques everybody still enjoys? How oblivious is it to the many ways I fostered development of the dhtml area during my mod service AMONG GOODS I DID AT SOME POINT? Those goods include working my ass off to help you get the hang of Ubuntu AMONG THINGS. How oblivious is it for people like Suho, so calm and balanced, to quietly suggest you post such spastic expressions in another place of the forum? Why did you feel compelled to doing this when poi did not take offense AT FIRST and used the same tone to me? But MORE IMPORTANTLY, HOW DOES REHASHING THIS SOLVE THE PROBLEM AT HANDS? I am glad you have vented, but please, let's move ON. Short of seeing a way we could practically handle the situation towards a win-win solution, I propose you think about it all for some more time. ------------------------------------------------------ [quote] You have not apologised for all the threats you made. You have not apologised for demanding that Doc Ozone remove all traces of InI's post. You have not apologised for putting the Doc and anyone connected with running the Asylum through all the stress of contemplating immediate court action if your demands were not met [/quote] I have. More than once, even. But it still is relevant to nothing, short of making you feel better - I could apologize a gazillion times, and I think you'd still crap your straightjacket in an absurd, self fullfilling prophecy of hostility. Correct me if I am wrong : if I would apologize (for the third time now) for those things, what would you do? [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6722]toast[/url] on 03-14-2008 04:52)[/small]
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