OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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[quote] [b]toast said:[/b] Tao : that is NOT the problem at hands, at all. None of this, I haven't read a single line. [/quote] How can you comment on my post if you did not read it? You show no respect for this place or the people in it. [quote] [b]Tyberius Prime said:[/b] Argo: I do not wish to see you here for a few days. Go for a long walk while I read up on this burst of activity in the last few days. Oh, and please find somebody who can serve as your advocate - I don't wish for you to talk your own head off. [/quote] You don't give a toss do you? You also did not "AMONG GOODS I DID AT SOME POINT? Those goods include working my ass off to help you get the hang of Ubuntu AMONG THINGS" Don't be pathetic....you did nothing of the sort. I've had it with you "whatever your name is now" I have no wish to feed your ego any more. I maintain that you are a self-centred self obsessed, manipulative bully, weather you realise it or not is moot. [b]WebShaman said[/b] [quote]I am not clearing Tao of his side of the flames, btw. He is just as guilty in the involvement. Tao later apologized, if you remember, for his negative participation in things.[/quote] Webshaman I think you have been put in an extremely difficult position over the past week or so. I am very disappointed with the Asylum Mad Sci's for not mediating in the Asylum as much as they used to. As far as I could see you have had these problems to deal with yourself on your own. That must have been both difficult and thankless. There is very little input now from the various forum mediators in the Big Sig, Photography, Photoshop, I could go on. I am not apologising for anything I said I believe what I said was reasonable. The worst that could be said is that I went a little over the top. [b] I did not flame anyone[/b] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4175]Tao[/url] on 03-14-2008 05:08)[/small]
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