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Let us discuss Argo Navis
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[quote] I also think that a person who has learned four languages as you say you have [/quote] This is a brilliant way to walk in the footsteps of Jestah on this one, or Hugh : Io hablo español, I speak english obviously, je parle français couramment, parlo italiano and I could give technical advice in any of those, to state the level at which I have taken them. What's up with the assumptions? Instead of making me more sensitive to a single letter of a single word, it makes me aware that in each one of those languages, two different persons will have two different perceptions of a given sentence anyhow. To me, it's not the words : it's the constant dwelling on the same topic of you and others that is exhausting. But it's not completely your fault - nor is it truely mine. It's EVERYBODY INVOLVED's fault to a degree in ANY event - there is no one sided conflict. I'd have hoped you'd have learnt that somewhere on your lifeline - it is not YOU who I dislike, it is the uselesness of what you contribute to this bonfire : more fuel. Bring water instead. THREAD THAT GOT TAO STARTED WITH UBUNTU : http://www.ozoneasylum.com/29369 Quote : [quote]A very timely thread for me, thanks argo navis and a belated welcome too.[/quote] ... This is above me. Of all the people I have known, I am seriously stunned. Seriously. I have never seen that -case- before. HELLOOO! I am the same helpful person who stimulated your very enthusiasm for Linux. Planet earth to Tao : FULL STOP. *hands his supply of black pills over to Tao* [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6722]toast[/url] on 03-14-2008 05:23)[/small]
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