OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Let us discuss Argo Navis
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In the mentionned thread - I carry on for four pages documenting ever step of my installation, which I later started transposing to the faq. Among things that pop up later in that thread FROM YOUR MOUTH : [quote] Thanks Blaise, C:\ and argo navis. I went to the Kubuntu website and ended up downloading two versions. the first being, PC (Intel x86) alternate install CD. and the second, PC (Intel x86) desktop CD. Why? Well I downloaded the "alternate" one by mistake My machine specs are: Abit AMD64bit KN9 Ultra MoBo Thanks for that argo navis I need all the help I can get at the moment [/quote] You were contemplating it and thanked me many times there for what? Okay. Okkkkkkaaaaaaayyyyyyy. And that is supposed to represent honesty @ the once admirable Asylum? On your way out, say hello to the pink elephants on my behalf Tao. Substance abuse is a truely dramatic issue, never had I thought I was spot on when I made that comment in the dhtml forum. But this explains a lot. Sadly. I will keep posting my questions to genuine helpers in dhtml and site reviews until I find a better forum for marketing/webdesign, I am done here. [quote] A tip to TP before I go : you mentionned community shatterrers and that filtering solution as that. A major way to hinder the perceived value of the Asylum is to keep that InI message : think about it. Think about who it makes look like a fool to the world : two parties. This community. And me in the context of this community - InI and just that. Identifiable only here : for the rest of the web I am argo or Mauro. Like Jestah dragging his foolish accusations below the ground, Hugh, or Tao here, and Webshaman, you all are hindering YOUR value by trying to bait me and having me actually play along. You'd gain a lot by removing the InI message : I hereby grant you full legal permission to restore the posts in question, or blank them, but I strongly recommend you remove that message for your own good - it's making you look like fools even more than it impacts me - me I obviously do not give a shit about responding to 100 posts of insults and dancing through it all. Do not take my word : ask any marketing pro around. Or simply look at what's happening here - and how Tao blurted out against Webshaman among people. [/quote]
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