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Tao - I understand your feelings about how sometimes things seem to be run here at the Asylum. I want you to comptemplate something for me. Think back on what this place represents and is built on - free thinking and free expression. The Doc had a vision when he built the place, along with his Hands-On. This website has had a long tradition in trying to uphold the spirit of what the Doc started. It is true that we have not always been successful in doing so. That is basic human nature. The Mad Sci's who patrol the halls, for lack of a better word, really have very little power. We have more responsibility and work than anything else. It is a labor of love and respect for this website and what it stands for. Sometimes (like in the case of Ini, but he is not the only one that has caused problems), our ways and beliefs are sorely tested. The emotional response is to lash out at that which is stomping all over our respected and beloved website, bruising feelings, egos, throwing mud, and basically just making the atmosphere one of hostility and emotionally charging it negatively. It causes a sick spot in the stomach to see it have free reign, basically because one feels a sort of helplessness to stop it. In cases like these, it is paramount to take the long view. We Mad Sci's try to do what we can to alleviate the worst of it (posting comments aimed at de-escalation, issuing warnings when they are ignored, moving threads, locking them - and in extremely rare cases, bannings). If I allowed my emotions to control my actions, then I would make a very poor Mad Sci, indeed. I try as I can to reign them in, because I know that these things will calm down, eventually. I know that sometimes these types of explanations are poor comfort. None-the-less, one needs to realize that the members of the Asylum are not stupid, nor are they easily bamboozled . Most do not post in threads like these, and when they do, it is a short comment if that. Keep in mind that individuals like Ini that have burned all their bridges, and have only ashes left over, are really shunned members. They post, sure. Sometimes an identity gets banned due to the way that those posts were done, or due to the actions done under that persona (as is the case with Ini). Note that I do not have the ability to ban, and that I do not generally support banning as a technique. I also am not a proponent of deleting posts, either. I intensely dislike locking threads, and I try to avoid it. Ini has proven, time and again, that he is not interested in reconciliation or making true amends. He apologies when he feels it may help his position, or in order to influence some who were not around when he had some of his episodes of lashing out (or seem sympathetic to his position, in his eyes). In time, most of those that try to give Ini another chance will see the pattern that everyone else is aware of, and they will turn their back on him. It is true that he does seem to be able to find victims for his abuse, but that is the nature of the abuser/victim relationship. He is an expert at burning his bridges. He likes to vent, and likes to try to hurt those that he can. He is intelligent and is very aware of what he is doing. He understands intrinsically what he is doing, what he posts, and knows what cause and effect is. None of his "apparent" misunderstandings are that - he is calculated and will go to any length to attempt to get his side of things through. Nothing is below him to use to get his way or side of things through. He never fails to amaze me at the depths that he will plunge to do so. The history of Ini proves all of this without a shadow of a doubt. Recent actions and posts by him (which are exactly the same as those from before) are just more testament to this. I don't know why Ini feels that this website is so important, that he has to continually assault it with his presence. He seems to think that his input (and I will be the first to say that he does have some knowledge that is useful, but to be blunt, it is not unique and there are others who can supply pretty much the same, without the baggage) is somehow so important, that this website desperately needs it and him. I could go into a number of reasons, yadda yadda yadda of why I think he does what he does, but to be honest, I am not his Therapist, and I am not really interested in being it, either. That he needs professional help is obvious. That he is abusive, is also obvious. That he is incapable of identifying that he is the sole reason for the adversity in his life and to actually do something within about it, is also a lack that he has. A professional Therapist/Psychologist would probably be able to help him with whatever deep-seated problems that he has. Or not, as the case may be. But that is beyond the scope of what we do here, on this website. In short, I would recommend simple patience and just ignore him. I know sometimes it can be tough - but let us Mad Sci's deal with it. If you wish, you can contact me when you spot something amiss, or need to talk. My ears are normally open. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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