is it funny? this remains my main problem when it comes to english....i sometimes dont get jokes (if there are any?) or irony when it's right in front of hell with it, what do you think about the seinfeld ads? i totally dig him, but i don't get the meaning out of this one...
edit: found a better version on utube
I'm tempted to try to analyze this one, but I wouldn't know where to begin. Honestly, it seems to me like a case of trying too hard. You know how it's hip to be obscure, and jokes that no one gets are the funniest?
Gotta agree with DL-44 here. The "I'm a PC" ad is strong rebuttal to the endless beat down apple was giving them. It conveys the idea that PC's are for all types and folks. I actually think
the commercial is brilliant in its own way. Wonder what apples response will be.
Sure the commercial was a bit on the defensive, but at this point, that is where we are at. At least they didn't reduce to mudslinging.
As a fan of all three (Mac, PC and Linux). It's good to see Microsoft doing SOMETHING mildly decent.
It was good. The Response was better. I hope they keep heading in this direction. I CAN'T STAND Jerry Seinfeld... and the Mojave commercial made me want to barf.
I just don't get it how Apple thinks Macintosh is not a personal computer... what is it then? A tin can?
PC = Personal Computer = {Macintosh, IBM type PC, ...}
OS = Operating System = {Windows, Linux, OSX, ...}
PC != OS
Windows != PC
"Mac > PC" = moronic - "Macintosh, commonly nicknamed Mac is a brand name which covers several lines of personal computers designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc."
Sure, Arthurio, you're right. In the same way that you're right if you call a Peruvian an American, call a jolly person gay or say that the swastika is a symbol of progress and stability. Words or symbols sometimes change from their etymological meaning by association. The Mac, C64, Amiga etc. were all branded as opponents to the IBM PC, so the word "PC" became associated with the IBM system. And the IBM system has DOS, and then Windows on top of DOS, and then the PC was no longer an IBM affair...
From: The Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 09-26-2008 17:23
It is not just semantics, as liorean has pointed out - it is altering the perception of the term itself in the minds of those targeted by such commercials to think and see things in a certain way.
Of course anything that looks, sounds, smells, and tastes like a PC (Personal Computer) is exactly that - a PC.
But this is not how Apple wants you to think about it, and now, it is not how MS wants you to think about it, either.
Mr. Bush and his Staff (and those behind the genius) did a really good job of this in "selling" Iraq to the world, for example. Get them all to see things in a certain way, and it is easy then to manipulate them into doing things that you want. Say it enough times, reinforce it, make it seem like some sort of general term, and people will start to actually buy into it.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
The word PC means personal computer but it has always referred to the original IBM PC and its subsequent clones. The PC can be assembled from scratch, the Mac can't (except for the Hackintosh).
Apple has always kept its computers proprietary, same for its OS.
Throwing in Linux confuses the picture - you can't compare an OS to hardware. If you do then you have to talk about the combo of hardware and software, for example Wintel.
We are seeing more convergence now, they both run Intel, but Mac and PC are still different animals. If they converge too much, then we will no longer have the Apple vs PC battle, and thank God for that when it happens.