This is not meant for anyone here. Its just if I do not vent to someone I'm going to be sending angry emails that will just cause more trouble then they are worth.
3 years ago I asked about running some gaming stuff at a local convention. Things did not work out then and they asked me to come back next year. I did and got the usualy we really neeed/want local people to come in and do stuff. That year worked out all right. This year I had planned to do some of the same. Admitenly I talked to them late, only a month and a half before the convention started (con organizers like you to be registered a good 3 monthes ahead of time.), but after not getting a hold of the right people for a month things get organized. All through this I get more and more of the we need more people to do more stuff, please do anything you can. One guy talked to me for an hour before having exhausted every option of things I could not do for hiim. I can run games, got it?
Then a bit over 2 weeks before the convention starts, just about 1 week after finally getting people telling that I can run my games, my mother asks me to come and visit for the Thanksgiving weekend and my grandmother will be very happy to see me. Of couse I say yes, but later I realize that the con is on that weekend.
So I have to back out of my gaming conmitments.
Letting the convention staff know about that leads to one of 2 email exchange (The only given method of contact) that happens in a reasonalbe time frame telling me to fuck off, stop wasting their time, and not bother them ever again.
I've worked with conventions enough to know that they really do not care about someone like me. They only tell me they do to try and get me to fill the empty time between the big names and perhaps catch a local celeberty while they are at it. But to have such a turn around form them still pisses me off.
I posted here because if I do not get this out somewhere I'm going to start yelling matches with people that will create more ill will then I really want to deal with.
But on the up side the low level of success at the conventions and the shitty organization have left me never wanting to deal with them or any other convention around here again at a time when I don't really have the time for it anymore. I've at least not made an ass of my self by giving everyone the finger on the way out.
Eagles get sucked into jet engines and weasels are oft maligned, but beavers just make nice hats.