OZONE Asylum
An angry email not meant for the Asylum
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let me make sure I got this right... You wanted to do a convention, the first year didn't work out. The second year did. This year you were going to do the convention again but, "Admitenly I talked to them late, only a month and a half before the convention started" Then "a bit over 2 weeks before the convention starts [you want to visit your parents and grandmother]" and then "later I realize that the con is on that weekend So I have to back out of my gaming conmitments." With all this being said...I'm not sure what the problem is. I was not there of course so I am can't say first hand everything that went on, however, this is the way it seems to me : You kick and scream wanting to get into this convention and then have to back out. You register late and get in. Then you back out at the last minute. They get mad and you get in a huff. I understand that you wanted to see your family ( I know the feeling, I haven't seen my family in over 3 years). But, this is what happens when you commit to something and then back out at the last minute. They filled a spot for you and you backed out at the last minute. Now, they have to scramble to fill it. Later, C:\
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